
To use a semiotic term as title for a group exhibition is, at first sight, confusing, as it hardly indicates what leads the artists together. Moreover, "Semicolon" is used as a cipher to designate a certain structure, a rhythm.

Group exhibitions are ticklish. On the one hand, artistic positions are to remain independent, on the other, the aim is to seek points of contact between the works that, at best of times, shed light upon each other. Used in written language, the semicolon today designates such a point, at once establishing contact and a cut, a substitute for something not determined, frozen in motion - taking a breath before continuing.

The contributions to this exhibition are concerned with linguistic and visual forms of communication which are an integral part of our everyday life - without, however, making this common feature to their content, as in a thematic exhibition.

The artist of this exhibition are:

Joseph Grigely, born 1956, lives and works in New Jersey (USA)

Marko Lehanka, born 1961, lives and works in Frankfurt

Paul Noble, born 1963, lives and works in London

Roy Villevoye, born 1960, lives and works in Amsterdam

Marijke van Warmerdam, born 1960, currently living and working in New York#

Photos: Katrin Schilling