
Hasengasse 5–7
60311 Frankfurt am Main

Opening hours:
Mon–Fri 11–18h
​Sat 11—16h

Tobias Rehberger works in a wide variety of media to create works and extensive installations at the crossroads of art, design and architecture. His works are difficult to categorize and are notable most of all for this diversity. Rirkrit Tiravanija grapples with social issues and his work often takes on the form of social happenings, finding expression, for example, in cooking events, readings or concerts. It is always about the participants, who become active parts of and help to shape the work of the artist. For Portikus XXX, the two artists are realizing a project that brings both of their practices into the forefront while working with local producers. Rehberger and Tiravanija will offer a limited edition of ceramics for sale in the Kleinmarkthalle this fall. Part of these ceramics will be a variety of dishes freshly prepared by the two artists from ingredients from the market.

Tobias Rehberger (*1966 in Esslingen am Neckar, lives and works in Frankfurt, DE)
Rirkrit Tiravanija (*1961 in Buenos Aires, AR, lives and works in New York, US; Berlin, DE and Chiang Mai, THA)